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Welcome to the Combined Website for American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture and the Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture

The Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture (CCA) was founded in 2005, as a non-profit organization, by chiropractic physicians who had graduated from various Chiropractic Acupuncture programs throughout the United States. These chiropractors saw the need for standardization in Acupuncture Training of Chiropractic Physicians. By bringing the leaders and top educators in chiropractic acupuncture together, the CCA was developed to encourage improved inter-professional and intra-profession relations, and sharing of knowledge with all doctors of chiropractic for the benefit of the public and the profession. Today, the CCA is the sole chiropractic-only professional acupuncture society in North America accepting members from a diversity of training backgrounds. The CCA continues to expand its membership rapidly. In addition, the CCA works in conjunction with other acupuncture disciplines and acupuncture organizations with the goal of improving inter-professional communications and providing quality continuing educational opportunities.

The CCA was able to develop a standardized curriculum of post-graduate training, and founded the American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture (ABCA), as its credentialing arm. The American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture administers a Board Certification program to recognize those physicians who have achieved high levels of training, experience and knowledge in the field of chiropractic acupuncture, and to re-credential those chiropractic physicians to ensure that their training continues to be at the highest levels.

About this Website

Welcome to the combined website of the American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture and the Coucnil of Chiropractic Acupunture. This site should serve as a helpful resource for doctors, patients, and anyone interested in learning more about chiropractic acupuncture. Try our  Find a Chiropractic Acupuncturist page to search for doctors of chiropractic acupuncture in your area or join us for our annual symposium. If you are new to our site you can read more about what each area contains below. 

For Patients

Find a Chiropractic Acupuncturist

Quickly locate a doctor of chiropractic acupuncture in your area.

Learn More

Find resources to learn more about chiropractic acupuncture and what symptoms it can help releave.

For Doctors


If you’re becoming a member of the ABCA or CCA, or are already a member and would like to renew your memberships, this section is for you. Find out about the guidelines, download your application and make a payment right from our website.


This section is a resource for continuing education of chiropractic acupuncture. You can find research papers and other educational material here as well as read past and present CCA Newsletters.


Get information on the Council’s anual symposium here. You may register and pay for the anual symposium from our website.

About Us

This section gives you an overview of the ABCA and CCA, as well as our founding council.

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