CCA Membership Application, Fee Payments, and Renewal
President's Message
The Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture (CCA) of the American Chiropractic Association was established in 2005. It is the only national professional society of Chiropractic Physicians in North America who have incorporated acupuncture into their practice.
The purpose of the Council is to help integrate the concepts of traditional and western medical acupuncture into the chiropractic practice by provide excellent educational opportunities to chiropractic physicians. The Council will also provide a platform for communication with other health care professions practicing acupuncture. Our organization encourages research and dialogue through educational programs, symposia, and sharing of information with other health care providers.
The CCA is committed to maintaining the highest levels of educational standards in North America by providing training and developing proficiency standards for chiropractic physicians practicing acupuncture.
The Council welcomes your membership into our organization as one of our dedicated practitioners.
Full Membership
This category is available to chiropractic physicians with an interest in chiropractic acupuncture. Full Members receive all the benefits of Council membership including the periodic Council newsletter, discounts on symposia and CCA-sponsored seminars. Full members have access to the website for research information. Full members have a vote in the affairs of the Council.
To qualify for Full Membership, a person must fulfill the following requirements:
- Be an active, licensed DC in the United States or Canada.
- Be engaged in the practice of chiropractic acupuncture.
- Be a member of the American Chiropractic Association.
Affiliate Membership
This category is available to other health care professionals with an interest in chiropractic acupuncture who are not eligible for full membership. Affiliate Members receive discounts for educational seminars and symposia. Affiliate members may not vote at Council meetings and are not eligible to participate in the Council’s Patient Referral Program.
To qualify for Affiliate Membership, a person must fulfill the following requirements:
- Be an active, licensed physician, acupuncturist, dentist, podiatrist or veterinarian licensed in the United States or Canada with an interest in acupuncture.
Student Membership
This category is available to chiropractic students with an interest in chiropractic acupuncture and the programs of the Council. Student Members receive the same benefits of Council membership as Affiliate Members.
To qualify for Student Membership, a person must fulfill the following requirements:
- Verification of student status at a chiropractic institution in the United States or Canada.