Dear CCA members:
We have mostly recovered from our Symposium experience! We thank each of you who came. It was the best yet. Our reviews were excellent!
We invited our peers in the acupuncture profession and had a good group that came, enjoyed themselves and helped us see that doors can be opened between our professions.
We are already working on next years Symposium. We are looking at Chicago as a venue. Dr. Tohtz is currently negotiating cost and services at different venues, to see if we can find a place that fits our needs and budget. Chicago will be an easier flight for almost everyone, and it is a great town with a lot of outstanding things to do. Consider making a long weekend and enjoying the town while you are at it.
We are planning speakers for next year and will have some top teachers available again. Better and better is the motto.
We want to thank the many doctors who volunteered to serve on committees to expand our impact and effectiveness in promoting our services and goals. Each of you who volunteered will make a lasting impact and we honor that effort. If anyone else wants to step up and give of yourself to a powerful future potential let us know. You can choose your avenue of service, and we can assure you, it will make a difference.
As we are in the process of seeking our speakers, if any of you have any ideas and suggestions, we are wide open! We have offered two tracks this year and may expand next year, so suggestions are welcome.
Two of our excellent Diplomates are going to take a fantastic, challenging Diplomate course in Chinese Herbal Dermatology. It is the best course in the world, seriously. If anyone else wants to join in and expand our knowledge base as a group, please let us know, and we will connect you to the team.
Have a fantastic Holiday Season.
Rand Olson DC, DABCA, Dipl. Ac.
President CCA