As we welcome in a new year, we have much to reflect on from the last year. Some of the events in the last year could be considered sweet, some salty and some a little bitter. The coming year will have the same flavors, potentials and opportunities for growth.
In terms of the Sweet are the Symposium held in St. Louis in September! It was a great success! Not only did we learn some great lessons in acupuncture, enjoy the friendship and fellowship of our fellow practitioners, but learned more about how to put on a great symposium. Your feedback was healthy and insightful.
Next year we are going to have two sets of courses on Saturday, September 26th for people to choose from. We are super excited to welcome back Kiiko Matsumoto. She has agreed to return and share her system of diagnosis and treatment that is world renown. We feel very fortunate to have her return
If Kiiko isn’t your cup of tea, we are going to offer another outstanding option. We also get to learn from Joe Carter; one of the most interesting and engaging teachers in our profession! Then we are going to offer options on Sunday the 27th to learn from some of the best and brightest from our own ranks.
It looks like the stars continue to align to make the DABCA more and more valuable with each passing year. There is a number of issues that are developing, we will pass on solid information as it becomes available.
Pennsylvania and Kentucky are working toward adding acupuncture to their scope of practice.
We are updating our website, continue to improve our organization and maximizing our ability to serve the needs and wants of our members.
Our Council and Board are working seamlessly and vigorously to serve your needs. I must say, I had no idea how much time Dr. Zev, Dr. Todd and others spent on our behalf. It is humbling to know how much they did for our profession.
Lastly, I want to thank each of you for having the foresight and the courage to be a member of our community. We are making a difference in our profession and in our country. Thank you for being a part of that effort and effect!
Let’s let this new year be a year of goodness, sharing, kindness and transformation.
Blessings, Rand Olson